Showing 11 - 20 of 55 Report Results
FISPACT-99: User Manual
CLM P669
A measurement of the neutral hydrogen density determined from balmer alpha fluorescence scattering in the hbtxia reversed field pinch
CLM P502
Review of results from Dite Tokamak
CLM P499
Measurement of magnetic fields in a tokamak using laser light scattering
CLM P349
Measurement of the ion temperature in the dense plasma focus by laser beam scattering
CLM P232
A two pulse q-switched high power ruby laser
CLM P227
Short dye-switched giant pulse
CLM P156
Use of a birefringent plate to control the spectral emission of a ruby laser
PKA distributions of the elements simulated using TENDL-2014; Magnetic Fusion Plants
Handbook of activation, transmutation, and radiation damage properties of the elements simulated using FISPACT-II & TENDL-2014; Magnetic Fusion Plants