FISPACT-II: A Modern Simulation Architecture for Inventory, Nuclear Observables and Materials Science

FISPACT-II: A Modern Simulation Architecture for Inventory, Nuclear Observables and Materials Science

FISPACT-II: A Modern Simulation Architecture for Inventory, Nuclear Observables and Materials Science 150 150 UKAEA Opendata

FISPACT-II: A Modern Simulation Architecture for Inventory, Nuclear Observables and Materials Science

The inventory code Fispact-II, when connected to the nuclear data libraries TENDL-2015, ENDF/B-VII.1, JENDL-4.0u or JEFF-3.2, forms a simulation platform for modelling activation, transmutation processes and simulating radiation damage sources terms. The system has extended nuclear data forms, uncertainty quantification and propagation models which have been the subject of recent validation efforts including inventory simulations, fission and fusion decay heat, astrophysical nucleosynthesis. Summaries of key findings are presented and comments are made on the processes and the impacts of the major nuclear data libraries.
