The UKAEA’s Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP) programme aims to demonstrate the ability of low aspect ratio tokamaks to generate net electricity from deuterium-tritium (DT) fusion. As STEP have selected REBCO coated conductor (CC) as the current carrier in most magnet systems, understanding how REBCO CC responds to the energetic p…
In this work, the first experimental attempts at controlling Edge Localised Modes (ELMs) via the application of resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) on theMAST Upgrade tokamak are reported. Moderate ELM mitigation was achieved in low betaN by the application of n=1 3D fields, at the cost of inducing a ’benign’ locked mode. At higher betaN how…
Accurate quantification of the power loss channels and overall power balance of the plasma is essential for the safe operation of current and future fusion devices. The relative magnitudes of core radiation, SOL radiation and divertor target heat loading are determining factors in both PFC design and plasma scenario design in the successful real…
The integration of good core and edge/pedestal confinement with strong dissipation of heat and particles in the divertors is a significant challenge for the development of fusion energy. Alternative divertor configurations offer potential advantages by broadening the operational space where a device can operate with detached divertors and acce…
The first pedestal stability analysis on the new MAST Upgrade (MASTU) spherical tokamak H-mode plasma is presented. Our results indicate that MAST-U pedestals are close to the low toroidal mode number (n) peeling branch of the peelingballooning instability, in contrast with MAST H-mode pedestals which were deeply in the high-n ballooning branch. Th…
Measurements are presented, alongside corresponding interpretative SOLPS-ITER simulations, of the first MAST-U experiments comparing ohmically heated L-mode fuelling scans in Conventional divertor (CD) and Super-X divertor (SXD) configurations. In experiment, at comparable outer mid-plane separatrix electron density, ne,sep,OMP, the maximum lower o…
During development of the UKAEA’S Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP), assessment of manufacturing strategies for the inboard shield identified several gaps in knowledge. Limits arose from the modularization of this component, geometric constraints of tungsten ceramic forming, joining with low-activation interlayers and dissimilar j…
Tritium self-sufficiency is one of the fundamental challenges for deuterium-tritium nuclear fusion reactors. The combination of key high temperature radiation shielding materials that possess dense, high neutron absorption cross-section, and moderation properties, and tritium breeding materials could involve interesting design spaces for the centra…
The UKAEA’s Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP) program aims to demonstrate the ability of a low aspect ratio tokamak to generate net electricity from deuterium-tritium fusion. Specifically, its aim is to deliver a prototype fusion power plant, targeting 2040, and a path to the commercial viability of fusion, by engaging with and invig…
The real time plasma control system for the MAST Upgrade tokamak has been substantially redeveloped from its original MAST incarnation with a new architecture that aims to manage complexity whilst maximising flexibility. It provides modular layers of functionality and supports the implementation of virtual actuators to aggregate, arbitrate and rout…
Showing 1 - 10 of 128 UKAEA Paper Results