The JET hybrid scenario has been developed from low plasma current carbon wall discharges to the record-breaking Deuterium-Tritium plasmas obtained in 2021 with the ITER-like Be/W wall. The development started in pure Deuterium with refinement of the plasma current, and toroidal magnetic field choices and succeeded in solving the heat load challeng…
A key aim of the 2021 JET deuterium-tritium (D-T) experiments was to demonstrate steady high fusion power (10-15MW) with the ITER-like Be/W first wall. Plasmas were developed using D, repeated with T to investigate and mitigate isotope effects, and run with D-T to maximise fusion power. Compared with high current (q95~3) ‘baseline’ plasmas, …
Dimensionless experiments test the invariance of plasma physics to changes in the dimensional plasma parameters, when the canonical dimensionless parameters are conserved [1], [2]. Isotope identity experiments exploit the change in isotope ion mass A = mi/mp to obtain plasmas with identical dimensionless profiles in the same tokamak. However, condi…
Achieving high neutron yields in today’s fusion research relies on high power auxiliary heating in order to attain required core temperatures. This is usually achieved by means of high Neutral Beam (NB) and Radio Frequency (RF) power. Application of NB power is accompanied by production of fast beam ions and associated Beam-Target (BT) reactio…
NBI-heated L-mode plasmas have been obtained in JET with the Be/W ITER-like wall (JET-ILW) in H and D, with matched profiles of the dimensionless plasma parameters in the plasma core confinement region and same Ti/Te and Zeff. The achieved isotope identity indicates that the confinement scale invariance principle is satisfied in the core confine…
The pedestal structure, ELM losses and linear MHD stability are analysed in a series of JET-ILW H and D type I ELMy H-mode plasmas. The pedestal pressure (pPED) is typically higher in D than in H at the same input power, with the difference mainly due to lower density in H than in D. At the same input power, the pedestal electron pres…
The JET exploitation plan foresees D-T operations in 2020 (DTE2). With respect to the first D-T campaign in 1997 (DTE1), when JET was equipped with a carbon wall, the experiments will be conducted in presence of a beryllium-tungsten ITER-like wall (ILW) and will benefit from an extended and improved set of diagnostics and higher additional heating …
During the 2015-2016 JET campaigns many efforts have been devoted to the exploration of high-performance plasma scenarios envisaged for DT operation in JET. In this paper we review various key recent hybrid discharges and model the combined ICRF+NBI heating. These deuterium discharges with deuterium beams had the ICRF antenna frequency tuned to mat…
We report results of the benchmarking of core particle transport simulations by the codes widely used in the interpretative transport analyses and predictive modelling of tokamak plasmas. Our analysis includes formulation of transport equations, difference between electron and ion particle solvers, comparison of simulations of particle sinks and so…
During development of a high-performance hybrid scenario for future deuterium–tritium experiments on the Joint European Torus, an increased level of fast ion losses in the MeV energy range was observed during the instability of high-frequency n = 1 fishbones. The fishbones are excited during deuterium neutral beam injection combined with…
Showing 1 - 10 of 19 UKAEA Paper Results