Divertor detachment requires plasma-neutral interactions which dissipate momentum, power and particles simultaneously. Plasma-molecular interactions can result in molecular ions which react with the plasma. This can contribute to detachment through molecular activated recombination (MAR) and molecular activated dissociation (MAD), both of which cre…
In this paper we a first qualitative analysis of the atomic and molecular processes at play during detachment in the MAST-U Super-X divertor, using divertor spectroscopy data. Our analysis indicates a wide operational regime of detachment of the MAST-U super-X divertor, which can be roughly separated in four phases: 1) The ionisation front detac…
This paper shows experimental results from the TCV tokamak that indicate plasma-molecule interactions involving D+2 and possibly D− play an important role as sinks of energy (through hydrogenic radiation as well as dissociation) and particles during divertor detachment if low target temperatures (< 3 eV) are achieved. Bot…
In this work we provide experimental insights into the impact of plasma-molecule interactions on divertor detachment by applying new spectroscopic analysis techniques to the hydrogen Balmer line series to investigate how both atom and plasma-molecule interactions impact particle balance. Our analysis on a representative L-mode TCV density ramp dis…
The fast-ion transport has been investigated in low-collisionality discharges at ASDEX Upgrade and TCV using offaxis neutral beams. In both devices Alfven eigenmode activity was observed which does, however, not strongly affect the global fast-ion confinement. In contrast, charge exchange losses have been identified to have a strong effect. At TCV …
Detachment, an important mechanism for reducing target heat deposition, is achieved through reductions in power, particle and momentum; which are induced through plasma-atom and plasma-molecule interactions. Experimental research in how those reactions precisely contribute to detachment is limited. Both plasma-atom as well as plasma-molecule intera…
Recent experiments on TCV have made significant progress toward partial detachment of the outer divertor in neutral beam heated H-mode plasmas. The heating power required to enter H-mode was measured in a range of divertor configurations, finding that, in the vicinity of the PL-H/ne curve, the threshold power is largely independent of the poloidal …
Divertor detachment in the TCV tokamak has been investigated through experiments and modelling. Density ramp experiments were carried out in ohmic heated L-mode pulses with the ion B drift directed away from the primary X-point, similar to previous studies [pitts2001]. Before the roll-over in the ion current to the outer strike point, C III and D? …
Showing 1 - 8 of 8 UKAEA Paper Results
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