Future fusion reactors using deuterium-tritium fuel will create high fluences of high-energy neutrons inside and around the reactor vessel. As well as causing material damage, fusion neutrons will activate materials, the decay of which leads to radiation fields in and around the reactor after shutdown. Gamma-ray emission from activated materials…
Previous studies of the European Demonstration fusion reactor concept (DEMO) have shown that the expected amounts of radioactive waste at end of life (EOL) are of the order of 104 tonnes. These studies also suggested that comparable amounts of waste will be classified as low level waste (LLW) and intermediate level waste (ILW) 100 yea…
The anticipated heat flux limit of the European DEMO first wall is ~1MW/m2. During transient and off normal events, the heat load deposited on the wall would be much larger than that the steady state heat load and exceed the first wall limit, therefore the breeding blanket first wall needs to be protected in such events. This involves de…
Waste-production predictions for the future demonstration fusion power plant (DEMO) are necessary to produce an accurate picture of the likely environmental and economic costs of radioactive waste disposal at end-of-life (EOL). Even during the conceptual stage of DEMO design it is important to perform waste assessment so as to avoid potential surpr…
The DEMO blanket attachment concept is challenging due to several factors: the harsh radiation environment, the thermal expansion, the electro-magnetic loads, the remote maintenance feasibility, and the accurate control of the alignment of the breeding blanket first wall during operation. There are two inboard and three outboard blanket segments…
Inventory calculations have a key role to play in designing future fusion power plants because, for a given irradiation field and material, they can predict the time evolution in chemical composition, activation, decay heat, gamma-dose, gas production, and even damage (dpa) dose. For conceptual designs of the European DEMO fusion reactor such calcu…
The European DEMO power reactor is currently under conceptual design within the EUROfusion Consortium. One of the most critical activities is the engineering of the plasma-facing components (PFCs) covering the plasma chamber wall, which must operate reliably in an extreme environment of neutron irradiation and surface heat and particle flux, while …
This paper describes the methodology that has been developed and applied to derive the principal geom-etry of the main DEMO tokamak systems, in particular the radial and vertical cross section based on the systems code output parameters, while exact parameters are described elsewhere [1]. This procedure reviews the analysis of the radial and vertic…
In Europe the work on the specification and design of a Demonstration Power Plant (DEMO) is being carried out by EFDA in the Power Plant Physics and Technology (PPP&T) programme. DEMO will take fusion from experimental research into showing the potential for commercial power generation. During the fusion reaction, components in the tokamak become h…
Showing 1 - 9 of 9 UKAEA Paper Results
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