JET’s frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) reflectometers have been operating well with the current design since 2005 and density profiles are being automatically calculated intershot since then. However, the calculated profiles had long suffered from several shortcomings – poor agreement with other diagnostics; sometimes inappropriate…
JET’s frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) reflectometers have been operating well with the current design since 2005 and density profiles are being automatically calculated intershot since then[1]. However, the calculated profiles had long suffered from several shortcomings – poor agreement to other diagnostics; sometimes inappropriat…
We have modelled self-consistently the most efficient ways to fuel ITER Hydrogen (H), Helium (He) and Deuterium-Tritium (DT) plasmas with gas and/or pellet injection with the integrated core and 2D SOL/divertor suite of codes JINTRAC. As far as we are aware, for ITER this is the first time modelling of the entire plasma has been carried out to f…
ITER operations require effective fuelling of the core plasma for conditions in which neutral dynamics through the scrape-off layer (SOL) is expected to affect significantly the efficiency of gas penetration. On the basis of previous analysis for stationary conditions, pellets are foreseen to provide core fuelling of high-Q DT scenarios. In this pa…
The influence of the ITER-like Wall (ILW) with divertor target plate made of tungsten (W), on plasma performance in JET H-mode is being investigated since 2011 (see [1] and references therein). One of the key issues in discharges with low level of D fuelling is observed accumulation of W in the plasma core, which leads to a reduction in plasma perf…
If mankind is to explore the solar system beyond the confines of our Earth and Moon the problem of radiation protection must be addressed. Galactic cosmic rays and highly variable energetic solar particles are an ever-present hazard in interplanetary space. Electric and/or magnetic fields have been suggested as deflection shields in the past, but t…
Radial profiles of the parallel-radial Reynolds stress component, proportional to the cross correlation between parallel and radial fluctuating velocities, have been measured in the plasma boundary region of the TJ-II stellarator. Experimental results show the existence of significant parallel turbulent forces at plasma densities above the threshol…
We present a study performed in ASDEX Upgrade H mode regime based on results from the broadband FM-CW reflectometry diagnostic, equipped with the unique capability of measuring the plasma density profile both at the low and high field sides of the tokamak. The plasma edge dynamics due to fast events such as the Edge Localized Modes (ELMs) is analyz…
A multi-probe system has been developed to investigate the importance of electron temperature fluctuations turbulent transport in the Joint European Torus boundary plasma. The compact five-pin triple probe has been designed to reduce the phase delay of fluctuations due to the finite pin separation in the standard triple probe technique, while still…
Showing 1 - 10 of 11 UKAEA Paper Results