New RAFM steels, with intragranular VN precipitates for enhanced creep strength, were irradiated with 2MeV Fe+ ions at 600oC to explore MX-type precipitate response to extreme end-of-life conditions in breeder blanket components. Utilizing TEM, Analytical-STEM, and APT, the steels were characterized in the unirradiated and irradiated …
The Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production(STEP) environment will include magnetic, thermal, mechanical and environmental loads far greater than those seen in the Joint European Torus campaigns of the past decade or currently contemplated for ITER. Greater still are the neutron peak dose rates of 10−6 displacements per atom, per second, which in…
High resolution D2 Fulcher band spectroscopy was used in the MAST-U divertors during Super-X and elongated conventional divertor density ramps with D2 fuelling from the mid-plane high-field side. In the Super-X case (density ramp from Greenwald fraction 0.12 to 0.24), the upper divertor showed ground state rotational tempe…
Silicon carbide fibre–reinforced silicon carbide matrix (SiCf/SiC) composites are desirable in structural nuclear applications due to their low density, high temperature strength and tolerance to energetic radiation. We have subjected two industrial grades of SiCf/SiC to high energy He²⁺ ion irradiation, up to 10,000 a…
Critical to the successful design of fusion reactor components is the development of coupled simulation models, capable of conducting efficient whole system design optimisation and virtual component qualification, under conditions which cannot be readily tested. Additionally, successful lifetime monitoring and predictive maintenance of fusion compo…
Collisional-radiative models are commonly used to analyse atomic and molecular processes in low temperature plasmas by determining the distribution functions of excited states as functions of various plasma parameters. This paper outlines the improvements to a zero-dimensional collisional-radiative model, developed at Keio University, for purposes …
MAST-U is equipped with a Super-X divertor, which aims to reduce heat flux to the target and promote detachment. Measurements of plasma electron density and temperature in the Super-X chamber offer insight into the processes at work in this type of divertor. First data have been obtained from the MAST-U divertor Thomson scattering diagnostic design…
Materials subjected to irradiation damage often undergo local changes in the microstructure that effect the expected performance. To investigate those changes, this work proposes a novel approach to detect strain localisation caused by irradiation-induced damage in nuclear materials on the microstructural level, conside…
Hard-facing alloys in nuclear applications must remain resistant to deformation and wear, whilst also minimising transmutation to problematic elements during service. To this end, the Fe-based alloy RR2450 has been developed to potentially replace Co-based hard-facing alloys. RR2450 is a complex multi-phase stainless steel alloy showing an unusuall…
This Review considers current Zr alloys and opportunities for advanced zirconium alloys to meet the demands of a structural material in fusion reactors. Zr based materials in the breeder blanket offer the potential to increase the tritium breeding ratio above that of Fe, Si and V based materials. Current commercial Zr alloys might be considered …
Showing 1 - 10 of 12 UKAEA Paper Results