A dataset of baseline DT plasmas with peripheral HFS fuelling pellets has been produced on JET, in order to mimic the situtation in ITER. During the pellet ablation phase prompt particle losses due to pellet triggered ELM can be detected. Regarding pellet deposition, the data indicate that plasmoids drift velocity might be smaller than predicted…
The evolution of SOL density profiles and fluctuations have been studied at different recycling levels in 3 different tokamaks, ASDEXUpgrade, TCV and JET, all operated in HMode. In all devices we clearly observe an increase of far SOL efolding length at high …
The relative role of particle transport and edge fuelling in setting the H-mode density pedestal is still a key open question [1]. Although reduced pedestal models have proven successful in predicting the pedestal pressure for a wide range of plasma scenarios [2,3,4], they lack a first principle based, predictive model for the edge density. Pred…
JET has investigated one the key issues for the baseline scenario in ITER, the integration of a radiative divertor for heat load control with the use of neon and nitrogen as seed impurity. A characterization of the choice of the impurity seed on plasma confinement, neutrons, pedestal MHD stability, pedestal instabilities, core transport is given…
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