This paper shows experimental results from the TCV tokamak that indicate plasma-molecule interactions involving D+2 and possibly D− play an important role as sinks of energy (through hydrogenic radiation as well as dissociation) and particles during divertor detachment if low target temperatures (< 3 eV) are achieved. Bot…
In this work we provide experimental insights into the impact of plasma-molecule interactions on divertor detachment by applying new spectroscopic analysis techniques to the hydrogen Balmer line series to investigate how both atom and plasma-molecule interactions impact particle balance. Our analysis on a representative L-mode TCV density ramp dis…
Detachment, an important mechanism for reducing target heat deposition, is achieved through reductions in power, particle and momentum; which are induced through plasma-atom and plasma-molecule interactions. Experimental research in how those reactions precisely contribute to detachment is limited. Both plasma-atom as well as plasma-molecule intera…
EDGE2D-EIRENE simulations show that for a H-mode JET discharge (92168) the dominant atomic neutral deuterium source at the separatrix originates from the inner divertor target. Within JETTO-EIRENE neutral sources are placed at the X-point and outer midplane (OMP). For fixed electron and ion temperature, transport and neutral temperature it is obser…
Reducing the plasma power exhaust impacting on plasma facing components during steady state operation is one of the major design issues in future tokamaks such as ITER. Impurity seeding, e.g. with N, is one method of achieving this and has been used for a long time in tokamak research [1]. In this work we exploit a recently developed spectroscopic …
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