All high field superconductors producing magnetic fields above 12 T are brittle. Nevertheless, they will probably be the materials of choice in commercial tokamaks because the fusion power density in a tokamak scales as the fourth power of magnetic field. Here we propose using robust, ductile superconductors during the reactor commissioning phase i…
The next generations of nuclear fusion reactors, including ITER and DEMO, will consider several different cooling systems for heat dissipation, power generation and tritium breeding. This includes the water-cooled lithium-lead blanket (WCLL) design, which bears significant similarities to the water-cooled circuit in a pressurised water fission reac…
Ti-containing micro-alloyed steels are often alloyed with molybdenum (Mo) to gain superior ageing-resistance through reduced nano-precipitate coarsening, although the exact mechanism is still disputed. Using small angle neutron scattering (SANS), we characterize precipitate composition and coarsening in Ti micro-alloyed steels with and without M…
Eurofer 97 is the main structural material targeted for the DEMO reactors which will be operated under magnetic fields. It is therefore imperative to understand the effect of magnetic fields on the mechanical properties of the Eurofer 97. Here we preform 30 uniaxial tensile tests with and without a 1.5 T magnetic field at room temperature. The stat…
Functional materials’ properties are influenced by microstructures which can be changed during manufacturing. Experimental characterisation is often time consuming and expensive. A technique is presented which digitises graphite foam via X-ray tomography and converts it into image-based models to determine properties in silico. By simulating a la…
Within a tokamak fusion energy device, the performance and lifespan of a divertor monoblock under high heat flux cycles is of particular interest. Key to this is the quality of manufacture, especially the material joining interfaces. Presented here is a comparative study between X-ray and neutron tomography to investigate the quality of manufacture…
An investigation has been carried out to verify if the strain rate sensitivity effect of 316 steel material can be measured using the small punch test method. It was found that the effect was observed during small punch testing over a displacement rate range of 0.0125 – 1.25 mm/min, with maximum load increasing as the rate increased, and the stra…
There are several programmes within the fusion community that are engaged in the design of fusion devices to follow the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), referred to as “demonstrators”. These programmes have identified many issues over the past decade and research now concentrates on optimising the combination of systems …
The microstructure and thermal stability of V-4Cr-4Ti-1.8Y-0.4Ti3SiC2 alloy, fabricated by 60 hr mechanical milling of blended powders followed by spark plasma sintering (SPS) and hot isostatic pressing, has been investigated. Analysis was undertaken using orientation image maps obtained from the electron backscattering and transmission Kikuchi dif…
The extreme environments found within the nuclear sector impose large safety factors on modelling analyses to ensure components operate in their desired manner. Improving analysis accuracy has clear value of increasing the design space that could lead to greater efficiency and reliability. Novel materials for new reactor designs often exhibit non-…
Showing 1 - 10 of 38 UKAEA Paper Results