The disruption mitigation system at ITER will include four shattered pellet injectors (SPI), which will be dedicated to the mitigation of electro-magnetic loads (EML), thermal loads and the avoidance and suppression of runaway electrons. Recently the JETILW was equipped with an SPI with a wide capability. Specifically: pellet diameter d = [4.57, 8.…
An n = 1 locked, or slowly rotating, mode has been observed in most pulses prior to JET disruptions. However, a small fraction of non-disruptive pulses has a locked mode which eventually vanishes without disruption. Hence, on JET the locked mode amplitude is routinely used as an indicator of unhealthy plasma. There are two threshold levels…
The paper presents an analysis of disruptions occurring during JET-ILW plasma operations covering the period from the start of ILW (ITER-like wall) operation up to completion of JET operation in 2016. The total number of disruptions was 1951 including 466 with deliberately induced disruptions. The average disruption rate of unintended disruptions i…
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