To design a safe termination scenario for a burning ITER plasma is a challenge that requires extensive core plasma and divertor modelling. The presented work consists of coupled core/edge/SOL/divertor simulations, performed with the JINTRAC code, studying the Q=10 flat-top phase and exit phase of the ITER 15MA/5.3T DT scenario. The modelling uti…
The STEP (Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production) Programme aims to deliver a UK prototype fusion energy plant, targeting 2040, and a path to commercial viability of fusion. To deliver on this aim, we have performed initial scoping to identify the design point for a spherical tokamak prototype powerplant producing at least 100 MWe of…
2021 JET experimental campaign has produced high stationary fusion power with 50%D 50%T discharges, operated with the ITER-relevant conditions i.e. operation with the baseline or hybrid scenario in the full metallic wall. It has provided a unique opportunity to assess the DT fusion power prediction capability before ITER DT experiments. This pap…
The Joint European Torus (JET) recently carried out an experimental campaign using a plasma consisting of both deuterium (D) and tritium (T). We observed a high-frequency mode using a reflectometer and an interferometer in a DT plasma heated with low power neutral beam injection, $P_{NBI} = 11.6$ $MW$. This mode were observed at a frequency $f =…
In this work, the MARS-F/K codes (Liu Y Q et al 2000 Phys. Plasmas 7 3681 & Liu Y Q et al 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 112503) are utilized to model the passive and active control of the n=1 (n is the toroidal mode number) resistive wall mode (RWM) in a spherical tokamak (aspect rat…
An important part of the ITER Research Plan [1] is the Pre-Fusion Power Operation (PFPO) phase, which includes demonstration of H-mode plasma operation and the commissioning of ELM control systems. However, since hydrogen or helium are the main ion species in PFPO plasmas, the L–H power threshold PL–H is expected to be cons…
In this work, we use reduced and perturbative models to examine the stability of TAEs during the ITB afterglow in JET experiments designed for the observation of alpha driven TAEs. We demonstrate that in JET-like conditions, it is sufficient to use an incompressible cold plasma model for the TAE to reproduce the experimental adiabatic features…
A novel high-performance computing algorithm, developed in response to the next generation of computational challenges associated with burning plasma regimes in ITER-scale tokamak devices, has been tested and is described herein. LOCUST-GPU 2 The Lorentz-Orbit Code for Use in Stellarators and Tokamaks (LOCUST) is designed for computationally scal…
Showing 1 - 9 of 9 UKAEA Paper Results
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