This article starts with a brief description of two new viewing systems with a light path which crosses the biological shield wall and are compatible with Deuterium-Tritium (D-T) operations in JET. However, it focuses on the optical modelling and engineering design of one of them which is a multiple camera system producing a wide angle view (WAV)…
Following from the paper describing the remote wide angle viewing system compatible with Deuterium-Tritium operations. This is the second article describing a second remote line of sight, this time focusing on the imaging of the divertor region in JET. It explains in detail the optical and engineering designs of constructing an optical relay which …
Unusually high power loads on the Beryllium limiter caused by Neutral Beam re-ionisation, and much cooler divertor target surfaces were observed during the recent JET tritium campaign. As both phenomena are driven by scrape-off layer (SOL) physics, the SOL features of 72 tritium H-mode discharges and their deuterium references have been studied. …
The benefits of an optimised Super-X divertor configuration in mitigating the steady-state power and particle fluxes to the surfaces of the MAST Upgrade divertor have been quantified by performing a detailed comparison with a conventional divertor for the first time. In otherwise identical plasmas with conventional and Super-X divertor configu…
Neutral beam injection is one of the primary auxiliary heating systems for tokamak plasmas. Once the neutral beam leaves the neutraliser collisions with background neutral particles in the beamline and tokamak vessel re-ionises part of the neutral beam. These particles can be deflected by the tokamak magnetic field, potentially damaging unshielded …
Recent results from MAST address key physics issues for ITER operations and the design of future devices, by advancing our understanding of through analysis of high-resolution data and numerical modelling. Modelling of the interaction between filaments with BOUT++ indicates filaments separated by more than 5x their width move independently, and …
In magnetic fusion devices, unwanted non-axisymmetric magnetic eld perturbations, known as error fields (EF), can have detrimental effects on plasma stability and confinement. To minimize their impact on plasma performances and on the available operational space, it is important to identify the EF sources and develop EF control strategies. MAST Up…
Retarding field energy analysers (RFEAs) have been used to compare the ion temperature ( T i ) of large plasma filaments with the background plasma (composed of small scale filaments) at the midplane and divertor target in L mode discharges in the Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST). At low densities, at the midplane and divertor, at distances from 2…
In future nuclear fusion reactors high heat load events, such as edge-localised modes (ELMs), can potentially damage divertor materials and release impurities into the main plasma, limiting plasma performance. The most difficult to handle are type I ELMs since they carry the largest fraction of energy from the plasma and therefore deposit the large…
This paper presents a numerical investigation of isolated filament dynamics in a simulation geometry representative of the scrape-off layer (SOL) of the Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST) previously studied in [N.R.Walkden et.al, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 55 (2013) 105005]. This paper focuses on the evolution of filament cross-sections at the ou…
Showing 1 - 10 of 26 UKAEA Paper Results