Alfvén eigenmode (AE) instabilities driven by α-particles have been observed in D-3He fusion experiments on the Joint European Torus (JET) with the ITER-like wall [Kiptily et al, submitted to Phys. Rev. Letters, 2020]. The impact of these type instabilities on a burning plasma is of crucial relevance for the perfor…
Alfvén eigenmode (AE) instabilities driven by alpha-particles have been observed in D-3He fusion experiments on the Joint European Torus (JET) with the ITER-like wall (ILW). For the efficient generation of fusion alpha-particles from D-3He fusion reaction, the 3‑ion radio frequency (RF) scenario was used t…
Dimensionless experiments test the invariance of plasma physics to changes in the dimensional plasma parameters, when the canonical dimensionless parameters are conserved [1], [2]. Isotope identity experiments exploit the change in isotope ion mass A = mi/mp to obtain plasmas with identical dimensionless profiles in the same tokamak. However, condi…
The isotope dependence of plasma transport has a significant impact on the performance of future D-T experiments in JET and ITER and eventually on the fusion gain and economics of future reactors. In preparation for future D-T operation on JET, dedicated experiments and comprehensive transport analysis were performed in H, D and H-D mixed plasma…
Understanding the impact of the synergistic effects on fast ion distribution function (DF) is essential for maximising the fusion rates in magnetic confinement fusion plasma. Because fusion reactions such as D-D, D-3He, D-T etc. have different energy dependencies, tailoring the energies of the fast ions to predetermined values optimal for fusion…
Dedicated experiments to generate high-energy D ions and D-3He fusion-born alpha particles have been performed at the Joint European Torus (JET) with the ITER-like wall (ILW). Deuterium ions from neutral beam injection (NBI) with acceleration voltage of 100 keV were accelerated to higher energies in the core of mixed D-3He…
A study of mixed hydrogen-deuterium H-mode plasmas has been carried out in JET-ILW to strengthen the physics basis for extrapolations to JET D-T operation and to support the development of strategies for isotope ratio control in future experiments. Variations of input power, gas fuelling and isotopic mixture were performed in H-mode plasmas of the…
NBI-heated L-mode plasmas have been obtained in JET with the Be/W ITER-like wall (JET-ILW) in H and D, with matched profiles of the dimensionless plasma parameters in the plasma core confinement region and same Ti/Te and Zeff. The achieved isotope identity indicates that the confinement scale invariance principle is satisfied in the core confine…
Dimensionless identity experiments test the invariance of plasma physics to changes in the dimensional plasma parameters, e.g. ne and Te, when the dimensionless parameters are conserved [1] [2]. However, conditions at the plasma boundary, such as influx of neutral particles, may introduce additional physics. An isotope identit…
The pedestal structure, ELM losses and linear MHD stability are analysed in a series of JET-ILW H and D type I ELMy H-mode plasmas. The pedestal pressure (pPED) is typically higher in D than in H at the same input power, with the difference mainly due to lower density in H than in D. At the same input power, the pedestal electron pres…
Showing 1 - 10 of 18 UKAEA Paper Results