One of the main capabilities of Atom Probe Tomography (APT) is the ability to not only identify but characterise early stages of precipitation at scales that are not achievable by other techniques. The most popular method, based on the Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN), is used extensively in many branches of r…
Experiments have been carried out on the MAST and JET tokamaks intended to compare the electrical resistivity of the plasma with theoretical formulations. The tests consist of obtaining motional stark effect (MSE) measurements in MHD-free plasmas during plasma current ramp-up (JET and MAST), ramp-down (MAST) and in stationary state (JET and MAST). …
Engineering and technical constraints on Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) in DEMO may determine the available beam energy and may also strongly impact the Neutral Beam Current Drive (NBCD) efficiency by restricting available beam tangential radii. These latter are determined by factors such as the inter-TF coil spacing, as well as the degree of requir…
The potential for reducing the Cost of Electricity (CoE) by using High Temperature Superconductors (HTS)in the Toroidal Field (TF) coils of a fusion tokamak power plant has been investigated using a new HTS module in the PROCESS systems code. We report the CoE and the design of HTS tokamaks that have been optimised by minimising the major radius of…
Defect microstructures formed in ion-irradiated metals, for example iron or tungsten, often exhibit patterns of spatially ordered nano-scale dislocation loops. We show that such ordered dislocation loop structures may form spontaneously as a result of Brownian motion of loops, biased by the angular-dependent elastic interaction between the loops. P…
The major aspects linked to the use of the JET auxiliary heating systems: NBI, ICRF and LHCD, in the new JET ITER-like wall (JET-ILW) are presented. We show that although there were issues related to the operation of each system, efficient and safe plasma heating was obtained with room for higher power. For the NBI up to 25.7MW was safely injected;…
If fusion power reactors are to be feasible, it will still be necessary to convert the energy of the nuclear reaction into usable form. The heat produced will be removed from the reactor core by a primary coolant, which might be water, helium, molten lithium-lead, molten lithium-containing salt, or CO 2 . The heat could then be transferred to a con…
In situ real-time electron microscope observations of metals irradiated with ultrahigh-energy electrons or energetic ions show that the dynamics of microstructural evolution in these materials is strongly influenced by long-range elastic interactions between mobile nanoscale radiation defects. Treating long-range interactions is also necessary for …
Operation of the JET Neutral Beam Injectors with tritium is described. Supplying the tritium feed via the special electrically grounded gas feed compromised the performance of the up-graded high current triode Positive Ion Neutral Injectors (PINI) due to gas starvation of the source and the methods adopted to ameliorate this effect are described. A…
Showing 1 - 10 of 10 UKAEA Paper Results
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