By utilising Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA), in a configuration similar to that of the Mirror Langmuir Probe, it is possible to bias a single probe at 3 precise voltages in sequence. These voltages can be dynamically adjusted in real-time based on the measured plasma temperature to ensure the transition region is always sampled. First result…
The successful realisation of energy production through the fusion of deuterium and tritium will necessarily lead to the generation of waste contaminated with tritium. Not only will some of the tritium fuel permeate into components of fusion reactors and their wider fuel cycle, but tritium will also be generated directly in materials exposed to the…
New Technologies such as High Temperature Superconducting magnets and advanced computing in Fusion Reactors, Advanced Generation IV Reactor Technologies or Off-Site Modular Construction are exciting developments in low carbon energy. Modular Reactors enable “factory shop build and transport to site” according to the International Atomic Ener…
SPIDER (Source for the Production of Ions of Deuterium Extracted from a Radio frequency plasma) is the full scale prototype for the ITER Heating Neutral Beam (HNB) source. Driven by four driver coil pairs powered by oscillators the SPIDER source plasma exhibits fluctuations in a range of frequencies that have been observed by Langmuir probes and So…
In 2019 JET carried out a very successful Deuterium-Deuterium campaign, referred to as C38, producing a total of 3.751019 DD neutrons. During this campaign, a series of experiments were implemented to record the neutron fluence at positions close and far from the source and along shielding penetrations. Measurements were performed usi…
The Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST) is currently being extensively upgraded to provide a system that will be able to add to the knowledge base for ITER as well as testing innovative reactor systems such as the Super-X divertor. MAST-U will have increased coil system and power supply capability. Therefore, to ensure operation of MAST-U within safe…
A study of mixed hydrogen-deuterium H-mode plasmas has been carried out in JET-ILW to strengthen the physics basis for extrapolations to JET D-T operation and to support the development of strategies for isotope ratio control in future experiments. Variations of input power, gas fuelling and isotopic mixture were performed in H-mode plasmas of the…
High bandwidth, high spatial resolution measurements of electron temperature, density and plasma potential are valuable for resolving turbulence in the boundary plasma of tokamaks. While conventional Langmuir probes can provide such measurements either their temporal or spatial resolution is limited: the former by the sweep rate necessary for obtai…
The JET Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) system is the most powerful neutral beam plasma heating system currently operating. Optical Interlocks were installed on the beam lines in 2011 for the JET Enhancement Project 2 (EP2), when the heating power was increased from 23 MW to 34 MW. JET NBI has two beam lines. Each has eight positive ion injectors oper…
Showing 1 - 10 of 14 UKAEA Paper Results