Tungsten is one of the primary materials for several applications in commercial fusion power plant designs, in particular for divertor targets and the first wall. In maintenance conditions or during a loss of coolant accident, tungsten is expected to reach temperatures at which it readily volatilises as tungsten trioxide in contact with air, potent…
In this study, we compare the formation of radiation induced defects in W and W-Re-Os alloys, exposed to an equivalent dose of self-ion and neutron irradiation. Transmutation reactions in the neutron irradiated material are simulated in the ion implanted materials by alloying with representative quantities of Re and Os (1.4 and 0.1 at.% respecti…
Nuclear data, describing neutron reaction probabilities (cross sections) and decay behaviour, are critical to the design and operation of fusion experiments and future fusion power plants. Equally vital, are the inventory codes that use the data to predict neutron-induced activation and transmutation of materials, which will define the radiologica…
We present a numerical model to predict oxide scale growth on tungsten surfaces under exposure to oxygen at high temperatures. The model captures the formation of four thermodynamically-compatible oxide sublayers, WO2, WO2.72, WO2.9, and WO3, on top of the metal substrate. Oxide layer growth is simulated by tracking the oxide/oxide and oxide/metal …
Tungsten (W) is considered a leading candidate for structural and functional materials in future fusion energy devices. The most attractive properties of tungsten for magnetic and inertial fusion energy reactors are its high melting point, high thermal conductivity, low sputtering yield, and low long-term disposal radioactive footprint. However, t…
Spinodal phase separation in SMART materials based on binary W-Cr with alloying 1 elements Y and Zr is systematically investigated by a combination of Density Functional Theory with Cluster Expansion Hamiltonian and large-scale Monte Carlo simulations with thermodynamic integration. Comparing alloying of Zr with those from Y, it is shown that there…
The transfer of heat through the breeder region of a future fusion reactor is a key component of its thermal efficiency. Development of advanced ceramic breeder materials based on Li2TiO3 seek to exploit its ability to accommodate significant non-stochiometry, however, it is not clear how deviations for the 50:50 mix of Li2O and TiO2 will affect…
In the absence of official standards and guidelines for nuclear fusion plants, fusion designers adopted, as far as possible, well-established standards for fission-based nuclear power plants (NPPs). This often implies interpretation and/or extrapolation, due to differences in structures, systems and components, materials, safety mitigation systems,…
W-Cr-Y smart alloys are potential material candidates for plasma facing components due to their protective behaviour during the loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA), while maintaining beneficial properties of W during the normal operation of the fusion power plant. During plasma exposure the lighter alloying elements are preferentially sputtered at t…
The high anisotropy in the thermal conductivity of lithium metatitanate, Li2TiO3, is shown using the classical simulation method of Molecular Dynamics (MD). The thermal conductivity along the z-direction is markedly lower than that in x and y. This characteristic could be exploited to favourably adjus…
Showing 1 - 10 of 21 UKAEA Paper Results