In this study, we compare the formation of radiation induced defects in W and W-Re-Os alloys, exposed to an equivalent dose of self-ion and neutron irradiation. Transmutation reactions in the neutron irradiated material are simulated in the ion implanted materials by alloying with representative quantities of Re and Os (1.4 and 0.1 at.% respecti…
Fusion energy offers the potential for a near limitless source of low-carbon energy and is oftenregarded as a solution for the world’s long-term energy needs. To realise such a scenario requiresthe design of high-performance fusion reactors capable of maintaining the extreme conditionsnecessary to enable fusion. Turbulence …
The development of improved designs for components which will be subject to high heat fluxes has been identified as a critical challenge for the realisation of commercial fusion power. This paper presents details of a facility which allows early verification of thermofluid and thermomechananical performance of prototype components and enables compa…
ITER In-Vessel Components (IVCs) will have limited lifetimes and need to be maintained and/or replaced during the operational life of ITER. IVCs are attached to the plant cooling water system via pipework to enable active cooling of the components during plasma operations. When maintenance is required, Remote Handling Systems (RHS) will be used …
Heat sinks have manifold applications, from micro-electronics to nuclear fusion reactors. Their performance expectations will continue to increase in line with the power consumption and miniaturisation of technology. Additive manufacturing enables the creation of novel, compact heat sinks with greater surface-to-volume ratios and geometrical comple…
This paper addresses two key issues regarding plasma exhaust in future fusion reactors. Firstly, using newly developed spectroscopic models to measure the divertor concentration of Ne and Ar, it is shown that the experimental detachment threshold on ASDEX Upgrade with Ar-only, an Ar+N mixture, and a Ne+N mixture scales as expected in comparison wit…
Tungsten (W) is considered a leading candidate for structural and functional materials in future fusion energy devices. The most attractive properties of tungsten for magnetic and inertial fusion energy reactors are its high melting point, high thermal conductivity, low sputtering yield, and low long-term disposal radioactive footprint. However, t…
As tokamak research moves to reactor conditions, the control of a stable, optimally-detached divertor plasma has become increasingly relevant. Simple predictions of such detachment control have been performed previously using the Detachment Location Sensitivity (DLS) model of detachment. In this study the DLS model is extended and combined with SOL…
In the absence of official standards and guidelines for nuclear fusion plants, fusion designers adopted, as far as possible, well-established standards for fission-based nuclear power plants (NPPs). This often implies interpretation and/or extrapolation, due to differences in structures, systems and components, materials, safety mitigation systems,…
Hydride precipitation and reorientation has the potential to embrittle zirconium alloys. This study aims to better understand the influence of the Zr microstructure on hydride precipitation and reorientation. Specifically, the crystallography, phase stability and morphology of hydride precipitation was correlated to microstructural variations due t…
Showing 1 - 10 of 36 UKAEA Paper Results