Dedicated experiments were performed on MAST Upgrade to study beam-ion losses caused by charge exchange (CX) with edge neutrals. The fuelling was switched from the high-field side to the low-field side mid-discharge. Direct measurements suggest a strong increase in neutral density around the plasma and a deterioration of the beam-ion confinement…
Predictions of the impact of charge-exchange (CX) reactions on beam ions in the MAST Upgrade spherical tokamak have been compared to measurements carried out with a fission chamber (neutron fluxes) and a Fast Ion Deuterium-Alpha (FIDA) diagnostic. A simple model was developed to reconstruct the outer-midplane neutral density based on Thomson sca…
The ASCOT orbit-following code has been equipped with a model for simulating charge exchange (CX) of fast ions with background atoms in magnetically confined fusion plasmas. The model was successfully verified by comparing simulated reaction mean free paths to analytical values across a range of fusion-relevant parameters. ASCOT was used to simulat…
A novel high-performance computing algorithm, developed in response to the next generation of computational challenges associated with burning plasma regimes in ITER-scale tokamak devices, has been tested and is described herein. LOCUST-GPU 2 The Lorentz-Orbit Code for Use in Stellarators and Tokamaks (LOCUST) is designed for computationally scal…
Showing 1 - 4 of 4 UKAEA Paper Results
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