In current telerobotics and telemanipulator applications, operators must perform a wide variety of tasks, often with a high risk associated with failure. A system designed to generate data-based behavioural estimations using observed operator features could be used to reduce risks in industrial teleoperation. This paper describes a non-invasive …
Ion Cyclotron wave (IC) assisted breakdown would be important for reducing risks to plasma initiation during the ITER pre-fusion operation phase under difficult vessel conditions. Hence, studies were performed at JET, at ITER relevant loop electric field — and in a regime, and , where plasma breakdown had not previously been achieved on JE…
Zirconium alloys are widely used as the fuel cladding material in pressurised water reactors where a significant population of defects and dislocations is produced by exposure to neutrons. We present and interpret synchrotron microbeam X-ray diffraction measurements of proton- irradiated Zircaloy-4, where we identify a transient peak and the sub…
Future fusion reactors using deuterium-tritium fuel will create high fluences of high-energy neutrons inside and around the reactor vessel. As well as causing material damage, fusion neutrons will activate materials, the decay of which leads to radiation fields in and around the reactor after shutdown. Gamma-ray emission from activated materials…
Materials subjected to irradiation damage often undergo local changes in the microstructure that effect the expected performance. To investigate those changes, this work proposes a novel approach to detect strain localisation caused by irradiation-induced damage in nuclear materials on the microstructural level, conside…
Investigations were undertaken into the thermal treatment of beryllium and tungsten to see if these materials can be detritiated in the Material Detritiation Facility (MDF) at UKAEA, allowing for the declassification of intermediate level waste (ILW) to low level waste (LLW). When heated in oxygen, both tungsten and beryllium readily oxidise, wi…
During operation, structural components made of zirconium alloys are subject to neutron irradiation, which leads to the displacement of zirconium atoms from their lattice sites, the production of self-interstitials and vacancies, and eventually dislocation loops. This process can lead to deleterious effects such as irradiation growth, creep and …
Hard-facing alloys in nuclear applications must remain resistant to deformation and wear, whilst also minimising transmutation to problematic elements during service. To this end, the Fe-based alloy RR2450 has been developed to potentially replace Co-based hard-facing alloys. RR2450 is a complex multi-phase stainless steel alloy showing an unusuall…
Molybdenum is used as plasma-facing material in tokamaks and as material for plasma optical diagnostic mirrors. Harsh conditions of neutron irradiation, exposure to hydrogen isotopes and helium, and high temperature result in degradation of molybdenum surface and ultimately limit the lifetime of fusion power plant. In the current paper, we inves…
Showing 1 - 10 of 32 UKAEA Paper Results