This paper addresses two key issues regarding plasma exhaust in future fusion reactors. Firstly, using newly developed spectroscopic models to measure the divertor concentration of Ne and Ar, it is shown that the experimental detachment threshold on ASDEX Upgrade with Ar-only, an Ar+N mixture, and a Ne+N mixture scales as expected in comparison wit…
While current tokamak experiments are beginning to utilise real-time feedback control systems to manage the plasma exhaust, future tokamaks still require validation of theoretical models used to predict the threshold impurity concentration required to facilitate stationary divertor operation. This work exploits new spectroscopic measurements of …
Reducing the plasma power exhaust impacting on plasma facing components during steady state operation is one of the major design issues in future tokamaks such as ITER. Impurity seeding, e.g. with N, is one method of achieving this and has been used for a long time in tokamak research [1]. In this work we exploit a recently developed spectroscopic …
W sputtering during ICRF on ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) and temperature rise on JET A2 antenna septa are considered in connection with plasma conditions at the antenna plasma facing components and E|| near-fields. Large antenna-plasma clearance, high gas puff and low light impurity content are favorable to reduce W sputtering in AUG. The spatial distributi…
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