Tritium production is of critical importance to prospective DT fusion power plants. Lithium ceramic and beryllium based solid-type breeder blankets are an option for supplying the tritium required to sustain the DT plasma. This research investigates the time-varying tritium production in solid breeder blankets with different compositions. The breed…
One of the primary requirements for breeder blankets in commercial DT fusion reactors is to produce sufficient tritium to sustain the plasma. Mixed bed solid-type breeder blankets are one possible design being investigated for use in power producing reactors. Current mixed bed designs tend to utilise a uniform mixture of neutron multiplier Be12Ti a…
JET components are removed periodically for surface analysis to assess material migration and fuel retention. This paper describes issues related to handling JET components and procedures for preparing samples for analysis; in particular a newly developed procedure for cutting beryllium tiles is presented. Consideration is also given to the hazards…
The requirement for maintenance in areas with relatively high shutdown dose rate fields is a key issue to address in the design and engineering of ITER, next generation devices and future commercial fusion reactors. In order to estimate the shutdown dose rate during maintenance and intervention scenarios CCFEs Mesh Coupled implementation of the R…
Beryllium (Be) is a precious resource with many high value uses, the low energy threshold (n,2n) reaction makes Be an excellent neutron multiplier for use in fusion breeder blankets. Estimates of Be requirements and available resources suggest that this could represent a major supply difficulty for solid-type blanket concepts. Reducing the quantity…
High energy neutrons produced in future fusion reactors will cause significant transmutation reactions in the breeder blanket, including the important tritium breeding reactions. The reaction rate for a given reaction type depends on the neutron spectrum and material properties. The inventory consequences fortritium production of a solid-type breed…
A significant functional upgrade is planned for the Mega Ampere Spherical Tokamak (MAST) device, located at Culham in the UK, including the implementation of a notably greater neutral beam injection power. This upgrade will cause the emission of a substantially increased intensity of neutron radiation for a substantially increased amount of time up…
This work presents new integral data measured at the ASP 14 MeV neutron irradiation facility at Aldermaston in the UK, which has recently become available for fusion-related work through the CCFE materials programme. Measurements of reaction products from activation experiments using elemental foils were carried out using gamma spectrometry in a hi…
The scope, methodology, and preliminary results are presented of a series of neutron transport and activation analyses aimed at updating the ITER radioactive inventory assessment and assisting the waste management planning. Calculations are performed using stateof-the-art three-dimensional models, codes, and data libraries and thereby overcoming ea…
In support of the technological requirements for fusion, the UK fusion technology programme is conducting several experiments using the ASP DT neutron irradiation facility at AWE Aldermaston. The present experimental programme covers two key areas of technology development: improving the quality of nuclear cross-section data required for fusion-rel…
Showing 1 - 10 of 13 UKAEA Paper Results