The evolution of SOL density profiles and fluctuations have been studied at different recycling levels in 3 different tokamaks, ASDEXUpgrade, TCV and JET, all operated in HMode. In all devices we clearly observe an increase of far SOL efolding length at high …
Transport processes around the magnetic X-point of tokamaks, such as turbulence and mean-field drifts, are scarcely understood and difficult to investigate in experiments. In this paper, we explore the dynamics in a newly developed X-point scenario on the basic toroidal plasma device TORPEX and use it to validate plasma edge turbulence codes. In-si…
A detailed cross-device investigation on the role of filamentary dynamics in high density regimes has been performed within the EUROfusion framework comparing ASDEX-Upgrade (AUG) and TCV tokamaks. Both devices have run density ramp experiments at different levels of plasma current, keeping toroidal field or q95 constant in order to disentangle the …
This paper presents simulations of isolated 3D filaments in a slab geometry obtained using a newly developed 3D reduced fluid code, written using the BOUT þþ framework. First, systematic scans were performed to investigate how the dynamics of a filament are affected by its amplitude, perpendicular size, and parallel extent. The perpendicular size…
Numerical simulations of L-mode turbulence in the Scrape-Off Layer (SOL) are used to construct power scaling laws for the characteristic decay lengths of the temperature, density and heat flux at the outer midplane. Most of the results obtained are in qualitative agreement with the experimental observations despite the known limitation of the model…
Numerical simulations of interchange turbulence in the Scrape-Off Layer are performed in a regime relevant for a specific L-mode MAST (Mega Ampere Spherical Tokamak) discharge. Such a discharge was diagnosed with a reciprocating arm equipped with a Gundestrup probe. A detailed comparison of the average and statistical properties of the simulated an…
Numerical simulations of L-mode plasma turbulence in the Scrape Off Layer of MAST are presented. Relevant features of the boundary plasma, such as the thickness of the density layer or the statistics of the fluctuations are related to the edge density and temperature, plasma current and parallel connection length. It is found that the density profi…
The L-mode interchange turbulence in the edge and Scrape Off Layer of the tight aspect ratio tokamak MAST is investigated numerically. The dynamics of the boundary plasma is studied using the 2D drift-fluid code ESEL, which has previously shown good agreement with large aspect ratio machines. In this context, a MAST-TCV comparison is presented in o…
New transport experiments on JET indicate that ion stiffness mitigation in the core of a rotating plasma, as described by Mantica et al. [ Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 175002 (2009) ] results from the combined effect of high rotational shear and low magnetic shear. The observations have important implications for the understanding of improved ion core con…
This workshop on transport in fusion plasmas is the thirteenth in a series. Previously they have been held under the auspices of the EU and US Transport Task Forces (TTFs), with J Connor as the EU TTF chair. However, the EU Transport Task Force has now been subsumed into the EFDA (European Fusion Development Agreement) Topical Group for Transport (…
Showing 1 - 10 of 11 UKAEA Paper Results