A new type of resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP), generated by helical coils, is proposed for controlling the edge localized mode (ELM) in H-mode tokamak plasmas. The helical coil optimization utilizes the MARS-F code (Liu et al 2000 Phys. Plasmas 7 3681) computed linear resistive fluid response of the plasma to the applied RMP field. The opti…
This work addresses in-situ synergistic irradiation and thermomechanical loading of nuclear reactor components by linking new mechanistic understanding with crystal plasticity finite element modelling to describe the formation and thermal and mechanical annihilation of dislocation loops. A model of pressurised reactor cladding is constructed to …
This article presents an in-depth study of the sequence of events leading to density limit disruption in J-TEXT tokamak plasmas, with an emphasis on boudary turbulent transport and the high-field-side high-density (HFSHD) front. These phenomena were extensively investigated by using Langmuir probe and Polarimeter-interferometer diagnostics. The res…
The influence of negative plasma triangularity on the n=1 (n is the toroidal mode number) tearing mode (TM) stability has been numerically investigated, with results compared to that of the positive triangularity counterpart. By matching the safety factor profile for a series of toroidal equilibria, several important plasma parameters, including th…
Classical crystal plasticity formulation based on dislocation slip was extended to include the mechanisms of dislocation channelling, with associated strain softening which is observed in many alloys post irradiation. The performance of the model was evaluated against experimental data on Zircaloy-4, which included engineering stress-strain respons…
Magnetic feedback stabilization of the tearing mode (TM) is numerically investigated, utilizing the MARS-F code (Liu et al 2000 Phys. Plasmas 7 3681) for toroidal tokamak equilibria. Magnetic feedback generally (partially or fully) stabilizes the TM independent of the feedback coil configuration and the type of plasma equilibrium. The best c…
Driving energy consumption plays a major role in mobile robots navigating challenging environments, especially if they are left to operate unattended under limited on-board power. This paper reports on first results of an energy-aware path planner, which can provide estimates of the driving energy consumption and energy recovery of a robot traversi…
Combining spatially resolved X-ray Laue diffraction with atomic-scale simulations, we observe how ion-irradiated tungsten undergoes a series of non-linear structural transformations with increasing irradiation exposure. Nanoscale defect-induced deformations accumulating above 0.02 displacements per atom (dpa) lead to highly fluctuating strains at ~…
Modification of the external tearing index, Δ’ext , by magnetic feedback is analytically investigated, for the purpose of controlling the resistive plasma resistive wall mode (RP-RWM). The matching method is pursued, by deriving expressions for the close-loop Δ’ext and by linking it to the counterpart from the inner layer. Various…
The Chinese Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) bridges the gap between ITER and a demonstration fusion power plant (DEMO). The primary objectives of CFETR are: demonstrate tritium self-sufficiency, ~1GW fusion power, operate in steady-state and have a duty cycle of 0.3-0.5 [1]. CFETR is in the pre-conceptual design phase and is currently envis…
Showing 1 - 10 of 16 UKAEA Paper Results