The spherical torus/tokamak (ST) is a potentially attractive configuration for narrowing scientific and technical gaps to a fusion demonstration power plant and as a more compact and/or modular fusion power source. Due to a reduced plasma surface area to volume ratio, the ST configuration offers the potential to access high power exhaust heat fl…
A method to determine the poloidal mode number m in a spherical tokamak based on magnetic probe data was developed. Perturbed magnetic fields at Mirnov coils are calculated for distributed helical filamentary currents on rational surfaces assuming the maximum current amplitude, m and n toroidal mode number, and the toroidal location of the filament…
A new operational scenario of advanced tokamak formation was demonstrated in the JT-60U tokamak. This was accomplished by electron cyclotron and lower hybrid waves, neutral beam injection, and the loop voltage supplied by the vertical field and shaping coils. The Ohmic heating (OH) solenoid was not used but a small inboard coil (part of the shaping…
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