Integro-Differential Verification and Validation, FISPACT-II & TENDL-2014 nuclear data libraries

Integro-Differential Verification and Validation, FISPACT-II & TENDL-2014 nuclear data libraries

Integro-Differential Verification and Validation, FISPACT-II & TENDL-2014 nuclear data libraries 150 150 UKAEA Opendata

Integro-Differential Verification and Validation, FISPACT-II & TENDL-2014 nuclear data libraries

Studies of the radioactive properties of nuclear devices, including future power stations, rely upon calculations of the neutron-induced activation-transmutation of materials. In order for trust to be placed in the results of such calculations it is necessary that the inventory code and the data libraries are verified and validated. This is done by comparing the predictions of the code system with activation measurements made on materials relevant to nuclear technology in well-characterised neutron fields. Cases where the ratio of results from Experiment (E) and Calculation (C) are close to 1 generally serve as validation of the code/data system, for the energy range covered. A series of irradiations of various materials in several complementary neutron fields have been carried out over several decades. Analyses of the results have produced integrated effective cross-sections attributed to various nuclear interactions. Neutron spectra calculated for each experiment can be convolved over energy with library cross-sections for comparison with experimental results. For the present validation exercise the latest version of EASY-II is used. Analysis of all experimental data enables effective cross sections to be calculated and these are presented in tabular form as well as plots of the C/E ratio. A graph showing the TENDL cross section as a function of neutron energy is plotted for each reaction, along with experimental data extracted from the EXFOR database. Using these graphs, an assessment can be made to determine if the reaction is validated or if re-evaluation of the TALYS parameters responsible for TENDL is required. These assessments will be used with other information to enable improvements to be made to future TENDL libraries. The European Activation System (EASY-II) uses the FISPACT-II inventory code and the TALYS-based Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (TENDL). It also retains legacy compatability with the European Activation File (EAF). While several sim- ilar reports were published for the EAF library, it is no longer under development as TENDL provides a more robust methodology for building a more complete nu- clear data file. This report provides more than an updated version of the previous EASY integral validation reports; the TENDL library contains more complete, replicable total/pathway data, as well as variance and covariance data, all calculations have been performed using the new FISPACT-II code and every effort has been made to ensure that this document is as self-contained and reproducible as possible.
