Overview of the specialist assessments undertaken to support the JET safety case review.

Overview of the specialist assessments undertaken to support the JET safety case review.

Overview of the specialist assessments undertaken to support the JET safety case review. 150 150 UKAEA Opendata

Overview of the specialist assessments undertaken to support the JET safety case review.

The Joint European Torus (JET) operates using deuterium as a fuel but has also operated in D-T mode where the fusion reaction is fuelled by deuterium and tritium. To justify the safety of D-D and D-T experiments, safety reports are produced to obtain approval for the experimental campaigns. The Safety Case has recently undergone a periodic safety review and preparations are being made to undertake a tritium campaign in 2015. To provide information regarding the compatibility between reactor-grade plasma and the materials facing the plasma, an “ITER-like wall” was installed in JET comprising beryllium first wall tiles in the main chamber, solid tungsten and CFC tungsten coated tiles in the divertor region.

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