Propagating EUV disturbances in the Solar corona: Two-wavelength observations

Propagating EUV disturbances in the Solar corona: Two-wavelength observations

Propagating EUV disturbances in the Solar corona: Two-wavelength observations 150 150 UKAEA Opendata

Propagating EUV disturbances in the Solar corona: Two-wavelength observations

Quasi-periodic EUV disturbances simultaneously observed in 171 Å and 195 Å TRACE bandpasses propagating outwardly in a fan-like magnetic structure of a coronal active region are analysed. Time series of disturbances observed in the different bandpasses have a relatively high correlation coefficient (up to about 0.7). The correlation has a tendency to decrease with distance along the structure: this is consistent with an interpretation of the disturbances in terms of parallelpropagating slow magnetoacoustic waves. The wavelet analysis does not show a significant difference between waves observed in different bandpasses. Periodic patterns of two distinct periods: 2–3 min and 5–8 min are detected in both bandpasses, existing simultaneously and at the same distance along the loop, suggesting the nonlinear generation of the second harmonics.

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