First-principles-based multiple-isotope particle transport modelling at JET

Core turbulent particle transport with multiple isotopes can display
observable differences in behaviour between the electron and ion particle channels.
Experimental observations at JET with mixed H-D plasmas and varying NBI
and gas-puff sources [M. Maslov et al., Nucl. Fusion 7 076022 (2018)] inferred source dominated electron peaking, but transport dominated isotope peaking. In this work, we apply the QuaLiKiz quasilinear gyrokinetic transport model within JINTRAC flux-driven integrated modelling, for core transport validation in thismultiple-isotope regime. The experiments are successfully reproduced, predicting self consistently j, n_e , n_Be , T_e , T_i , ω_tor and the isotope composition. As seen
in the experiments, both H and D profiles are predicted to be peaked regardless of the core isotope source. An extensive sensitivity study confirmed that this result does not depend on the specific choices made for the boundary conditions and physics settings. While kinetic profiles and electron density peaking did vary depending on the simulation parameters, the isotope composition remained nearly invariant, and tied to the electron density profile. These findings have positive ramifications for particle fuelling, burn control, and helium ash removal.

Nuclear Fusion
IOP (Institute of Physics)