Supernova Remnant Relevant Laser-plasma Experiments

Supernova Remnant Relevant Laser-plasma Experiments

Supernova Remnant Relevant Laser-plasma Experiments 150 150 UKAEA Opendata

Laboratory astro-plasma physics experiments are being designed to advance both our astrophysics and plasma physics knowledge. With current laser technology, target design and diagnostics, it is now possible to reproduce and measure the conditions of temperature and pressure usually met in extreme stellar environments. Coupled with scaled plasma physics it is possible to simulate certain aspects of astrophysical phenomena in the laser laboratory. The focus is on experiments designed to address key aspects of the plasma physics occurring in supernova remnants. In this approach ideal magneto-hydrodynamics is applied to the supernova remnant and then scaled. Matching dimensionless parameters in a laboratory experiment enables the simulation of complex astro-plasma systems offering the advantage of repeated, detailed measurements and the flexibility to alter the input conditions. Work at York has centered on developing a collisionless plasma experiment. The experiment involves a magnetic field, and two laser-exploded plasmas to make possible a laboratory study of the interaction between a supernova remnant and the interstellar medium. These experiments and the analysis are discussed.

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