Helium ash alpha-particles at 100keV in magnetically confined fusion plasmas may have the same Larmor radius, as well as cyclotron frequency, as the energetic beam-injected deuterons that heat the plasma. While the velocity-space distribution of the helium ash is monotonically decreasing, that of the energetic deuterons is a delta-function in…
Ion cyclotron emission (ICE) comprises strongly suprathermal emission, which has spectral peaks at multiple ion cyclotron harmonics. ICE is driven by the magnetoacoustic cyclotron instability, resulting from an inversion in the velocity-space distribution of the minority energetic ions. Recent experimental studies on DIII-D (K E Thome et al
During bursty MHD events, transient ion cyclotron emission (ICE) is observed from deuterium plasmas in the Large Helical Device (LHD) heliotron-stellarator. Unusually, the frequencies of the successive ICE spectral peaks are not close to integer multiples of the local cyclotron frequency of an energetic ion population in the likely emitting regi…
Ion cyclotron emission (ICE) driven by perpendicular neutral beam-injected (NBI) deuterons, together with the distinctive ICE driven by tangential NBI, have been observed from heliotron-stellarator plasmas in the Large Helical Device (LHD). Radio frequency radiation in the lower hybrid range has also been observed, with frequency dependent on plasm…
Observations of radiation in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies from the KSTAR tokamak and LHD heliotron-stellarator show that energetic neutral beam injected (NBI) ion populations can relax collectively in the edge plasma near the injection point. The resulting radiation is ion cyclotron emission (ICE), whose spectrum has strongly suprather…
Observations have recently been made of ion cyclotron emission (ICE) that originates from the core plasma in the DIII-D and ASDEX-Upgrade tokamaks. In some of these cases, the ICE spectral peaks correspond to the local cyclotron harmonic frequencies of fusion-born ions close to the magnetic axis. This is in contrast to the hitherto usual spatial lo…
A method to quantify the energy transfer among turbulent structures using singular value decomposition (SVD) is presented. We apply the method to numerical turbulence data obtained from a global plasma simulation using the Hasegawa-Wakatani fluid model, in which the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability plays a dominant role. Using the SVD method,…
Intense suprathermal radiation, with spectral peaks at multiple harmonics of the deuteron cyclotron frequency, is detected from the outer midplane edge of KSTAR deuterium plasmas that are heated by tangential neutral beam injection (NBI) of 100keV deuterons. We identify how this deuterium ion cyclotron emission (ICE) is generated, and distinguish t…
During ELM crashes in deuterium plasmas in the KSTAR tokamak, the emitted electromagnetic radiation includes features with sharp spectral structure in the frequency range up to ~900MHz. Cases where the spectral peaks below ~500MHz correspond to proton cyclotron harmonics at the outer midplane edge are explained (B Chapman et al., Nucl.…
Observations have recently been made of ion cyclotron emission (ICE) that originates from the core plasma in the DIII-D [1, 2] and ASDEX-Upgrade [3, 4] tokamaks. The ICE spectral peaks correspond to the local cyclotron harmonic frequencies of fusion-born ions close to the magnetic axis, in contrast to the hitherto usual spatial localisation of …
Showing 1 - 10 of 86 UKAEA Paper Results