On a fusion born triton effect in JET deuterium discharges with H-minority ICRF heating

On a fusion born triton effect in JET deuterium discharges with H-minority ICRF heating

On a fusion born triton effect in JET deuterium discharges with H-minority ICRF heating 150 150 UKAEA Opendata

On a fusion born triton effect in JET deuterium discharges with H-minority ICRF heating

An effect due to fusion born triton production has been observed in JET high-performance deuterium plasma discharges with NBI and H-minority ICRF heating, using DD and DT neutron spectrometry as well as fusion product loss measurements. The observations show that increase of the triton burn up rate leads to decrease of second harmonic ωcH = 2ωcD enhancement of DD neutron rate and an acceleration of tritons due to absorbing ICRH power at the third harmonic ω = 3ωcT. This effect indicates a redistribution of ICRH power absorption at ω ≈ ωcH = 2ωcD = 3ωcT towards increase of triton concentration at the ion cyclotron resonance layer. It determines the necessity to consider the ICRH power absorption ω = 3ωcT in modelling of high-performance deuterium discharges with simultaneous NBI and H-minority ICRF heating for development of DT plasma scenarios and fusion rate predictions.

Nuclear Fusion Letter
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