PULsE: an open-source software for laser flash analysis

PULsE: an open-source software for laser flash analysis

PULsE: an open-source software for laser flash analysis 150 150 UKAEA Opendata

PULsE: an open-source software for laser flash analysis

PULsE (Processing Unit for Laser Flash Experiments) is a software suite for processing data generated by a variety of laser flash analysis instruments. It is highly customisable and allows adjusting to the finest experimental detail, including but not limited to electromagnetic interferences, non-uniform laser heating and detection, and coupled radiative-conductive transfer. It offers noise-resilient mathematical optimisation capabilities for processing raw experimental data, where the search vector can include an arbitrary number of variables allowed by the model, and features a statistical toolkit for result validation. The most important software features are briefly described. Example data processing is shown for different experimental setups.

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