Understanding reactor relevant tokamak pedestals

The pedestal plays an important role in determining the confinement in tokamak H-mode plasmas. However, the steep pressure gradients in this transport barrier also lead to edge localized modes (ELMs) [1]. There is good understanding of the pedestal in type I ELM regimes [2], however, type I ELMs are known to damage plasma facing components and future large tokamaks such as ITER and DEMO must operate with small or no ELMs [3]. Use of in vessel coils for ELM control, such as those designed for ITER, for a reactor class machine may not be acceptable. We need to develop our understanding of the fundamental physics of these small or no ELM regimes, both natural and RMP assisted. We do not yet have a capability to predict the pedestal heights for these regimes. This work aims to fill this important gap.

Nuclear Fusion
IOP (Institute of Physics)
28th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Nice, France, 10-15th May 2021