What are the challenges during plasma measurements and controls within Nuclear Fusion experiment machines?

What are the challenges during plasma measurements and controls within Nuclear Fusion experiment machines?

What are the challenges during plasma measurements and controls within Nuclear Fusion experiment machines? 150 150 UKAEA Opendata

What are the challenges during plasma measurements and controls within Nuclear Fusion experiment machines?

Fusion Power is generated by harnessing the energy released by replicating the fusion processes that happen within stars e.g. The Sun. The Sun uses hydrogen as a fuel and the core temperature of our Sun is estimated to be 15million°C, however the fusion rate for hydrogen is very slow, in order to generate power by the fusion within a machine on earth, we need to use a different fuel based on heavy hydrogen called Deuterium and Tritium, which requires plasma temperature in the region of 100 million°C. This is achieved in a fusion reactor or machine commonly known as a tokamak (Russian word токамак).

InstMC (Institute of Measurement and Control)
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