Benefits of the Super-X Divertor Configuration for Scenario Integration on MAST Upgrade

Benefits of the Super-X Divertor Configuration for Scenario Integration on MAST Upgrade

Benefits of the Super-X Divertor Configuration for Scenario Integration on MAST Upgrade 150 150 tsosupport

Benefits of the Super-X Divertor Configuration for Scenario Integration on MAST Upgrade

The integration of good core and edge/pedestal confinement with strong dissipation of heat and particles in the divertors is a significant challenge for the development of fusion energy.  Alternative divertor configurations offer potential advantages by broadening the operational space where a device can operate with detached divertors and acceptible power exhaust.  First results from MAST Upgrade are presented from high confinement mode experiments with outer divertors in the Super-X divertor configuration, showing that the outer divertors naturally detach when the Super-X is formed with no discernible impact on the plasma core and pedestal.  These initial findings confirm predicted benefits of the Super-X configuration in terms of facilitating scenario integration.

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
IOP (Institute of Physics)