The first pedestal stability analysis on the new MAST Upgrade (MASTU) spherical tokamak H-mode plasma is presented. Our results indicate that MAST-U pedestals are close to the low toroidal mode number (n) peeling branch of the peelingballooning instability, in contrast with MAST H-mode pedestals which were deeply in the high-n ballooning branch. Th…
A nonlinear 4-dimensional drift island theory derived in (Imada et al 2019 Nucl. Fusion 59 046016 and references therein) provides qualitative predictions of the plasma response to a stationary neoclassical tearing mode (NTM) magnetic island in a low beta, large aspect ratio tokamak plasma. (Dudkovskaia et al 2021 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 63 05…
A new drift-kinetic theory of the ion response to magnetic islands in tokamak plasmas is presented. Small islands are considered, with widths w much smaller than the plasma radius r, but comparable to the trapped ion orbit width ρ_bi. An expansion in w/r reduces the system dimensions from five down to four. In the absence of an electrostatic poten…
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