Toroidal modeling of resistive wall mode stability and control in HL-2M tokamak

Toroidal modeling of resistive wall mode stability and control in HL-2M tokamak

Toroidal modeling of resistive wall mode stability and control in HL-2M tokamak 150 150 UKAEA Opendata

Toroidal modeling of resistive wall mode stability and control in HL-2M tokamak

Effects of toroidal plasma flow, magnetic drift kinetic damping as well as feedback control, on the resistive wall mode instability in HL-2M tokamak are numerically investigated, using the linear stability codes MARS-F/K (Liu Y Q et al 2000 Phys. Plasmas 7 3681, Liu Y Q et al 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 112503). It is found that the precession drift resonance damping due to trapped thermal particles ensures a robust passive stabilization of the n=1 (n is the toroidal mode number) RWM in the 2 MA double-null advanced plasma scenario designed for HL-2M, provided that the toroidal flow speed is not too fast: Ω0≤0.006ΩA. With two rows of magnetic control coils designed for HL-2M, the optimal poloidal location for the RWM stabilization is found to be θc=20o~22o. Toroidal modeling also shows that the plasma flow damping, drift kinetic damping and magnetic feedback can be arranged to synergistically stabilize the RWM in HL-2M, by tuning the feedback gain phase and/or including derivative actions in the control loop. The numerical results obtained by MARS-F/K are qualitatively well re-produced by an analytic single-pole model.

Nuclear Fusion
IOP (Institute of Physics)
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