Spherical tokamaks (STs) have many desirable features that make them an attractive choice for a future fusion power plant. Power plant viability is intrinsically related to plasma heat and particle confinement and this is often determined by the level of micro-instability driven turbulence. Accurate calculation of the properties of turbulent micro-…
The UK’s Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP) reactor design program has recently taken the decision to use exclusively microwave-based heating and current drive (HCD) actuators for its reactor concepts. This is based on a detailed assessment considering all viable HCD concepts, covering the grid to plasma efficiency (), physics applica…
Elementary formulas for propagating information about means and variances through mathematical expressions have long been used by analysts. Yet the precise implications of such information are rarely articulated. This paper explores distribution-free techniques for risk analysis that do not require simulation, sampling or approximation of any kind.…
Nuclear data is at the heart of all nuclear science and technology. It represents the interaction probabilities of neutrons with matter and is used to construct distributions in particle transport Monte Carlo codes. Due to the difficulty and cost of conducting experiments, experimental reaction data is usually sparse or not present for the majority…
The experimental performance of a high-brightness neutral-beam system is described which has been designed and manufactured by Culham Laboratory under contract to the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. The neutral beam serves as a diagnostic on the PBX-M experiment and is used to perform studies of high-bet a, bean-shaped, neutral-beam-heated pla…
Showing 1 - 5 of 5 UKAEA Paper Results
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