With the installation of non-axisymmetric coil systems on major tokamaks for the purpose of studying the prospects of ELM-free operation, understanding the plasma response to the applied fields is a crucial issue. Application of different response models, using standard tools, to DIII-D discharges with applied non-axisymmetric fields from internal …
The Integrated tokamak modelling taskforce was set up to provide the European scientific community with simulation tools for preparing and analysing discharges of fusion experiments. We will report on recent progress made on the taskforce project on equilibrium and linear stability. A generic data structure has been devised to describe the geometry…
A model based on magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability of the tokamak plasma edge region is presented, which describes characteristics of edge localized modes (ELMs) and the pedestal. The model emphasizes the dual role played by large bootstrap currents driven by the sharp pressure gradients in the pedestal region. Pedestal currents reduce the edge m…
The mega-ampere spherical tokamak (MAST) experiment is a new, large, low aspect ratio device operating its first experimental physics campaign. Designed to study a wide variety of plasma shapes with up to 2 MA of plasma current with an aspect ratio down to 1.3, the poloidal field (PF) coils used for plasma formation, equilibrium and shaping are ins…
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