Fusion reactor components will be exposed to fluxes of high energy neutrons while also being subjected to thermal, mechanical and magnetic loads. Exposure to neutron irradiation has numerous consequences, including swelling a…
Neutrons interacting with atomic nuclei in most of the materials included in the current fusion reactor designs—notably tungsten, ferritic and stainless steels, copper alloys—generate a γ-photon flux that is comparable in magnitude and e…
Effects of neutron irradiation on materials are often interpreted in terms of atomic recoils, initiated by neutron impacts and producing crystal lattice defects. We find that, in addition, there is a remarkable two-step process, strongly pronounced in heavy elements, involving the generation of energetic γ-photons in non-elastic collisions of n…
Using the notion of eigenstrain produced by the defects formed in a material exposed to high energy neutron irradiation, we develop a method for computing macroscopic elastic stress and strain arising in components of a fusion power plant during operation. In a microstructurally isotropic material, the primary cause of macroscopic elastic stress an…
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