The real time plasma control system for the MAST Upgrade tokamak has been substantially redeveloped from its original MAST incarnation with a new architecture that aims to manage complexity whilst maximising flexibility. It provides modular layers of functionality and supports the implementation of virtual actuators to aggregate, arbitrate and rout…
MAST-U is equipped with a Super-X divertor, which aims to reduce heat flux to the target and promote detachment. Measurements of plasma electron density and temperature in the Super-X chamber offer insight into the processes at work in this type of divertor. First data have been obtained from the MAST-U divertor Thomson scattering diagnostic design…
The MAST-U spherical tokamak has extensive capabilities to produce and explore strongly shaped plasmas and alternative divertor configurations, especially the Super-X. Robust and accurate reconstructions of plasma equilibria are the foundation of many physics analyses, as well as being important intershot for informing operation of the tokamak. …
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