The DT fuel cycle is rather different to other nuclear fusion topics: it involves handling of a very precious and radiotoxic gas, i.e. tritium, together with deuterium, processing of gaseous, liquid and solid hydrogen isotopologues, treatment of deuterated and tritiated species, and removal and recovery of deuterium / tritium from water and othe…
In the absence of official standards and guidelines for nuclear fusion plants, fusion designers adopted, as far as possible, well-established standards for fission-based nuclear power plants (NPPs). This often implies interpretation and/or extrapolation, due to differences in structures, systems and components, materials, safety mitigation systems,…
The Safety and Environmental Work Package (WPSAE) has the scope to progress the safety studies for the future EU DEMO reactor, in the frame of the Eurofusion programme. A Generic Site Safety Report (GSSR) has been designed to include all the steps necessary to cover the safety issues of the nuclear fusion plant, from the definition of principles an…
Pre-conceptual design studies for a European Demonstration Fusion Power Plant (DEMO) have been in progress since 2014. At this stage, while a range of design options are being considered, it is essential that assessments are carried out of the safety and environmental impact of these options. This is not only to ensure that the DEMO plant is op…
The European Union will supply a number of diagnostics for ITER. Significant progress has been made on the design and integration of these diagnostics. Specific topics, in common for several of the diagnostics, discussed are port-plug integration, simplification of labyrinths against neutron streaming, and design measures to protect and to be able …
Showing 1 - 5 of 5 UKAEA Paper Results
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