ITER is of key importance in the European fusion roadmap as it aims to prove the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion as a future energy source. The EUROfusion consortium of labs is contributing to the preparation of ITER scientific exploitation and operation and aspires to exploit ITER outcomes in view of DEMO. The paper provides …
The characteristically intense neutron source generated in deuterium-tritium (DT) fusion power presents notable challenges for materials comprising the structure of the device which are exposed to them. These include radiation damage effects leading to degradation of structural properties with impact on maintenance and replacement frequency, but…
The Safety and Environmental Work Package (WPSAE) has the scope to progress the safety studies for the future EU DEMO reactor, in the frame of the Eurofusion programme. A Generic Site Safety Report (GSSR) has been designed to include all the steps necessary to cover the safety issues of the nuclear fusion plant, from the definition of principles an…
Understanding the effects of neutron irradiation of materials is one of the outstanding issues in the development of fusion technologies. The impact of this work derives from the opportunity, for the first time in a tokamak operating with a D-T plasma, to deliver experimental results which directly link to the nuclear characteristics of real sample…
This paper details progress in experimental characterisation work at JET for the long-term irradiation station conducted as part of a project to perform activation experiments using ITER materials. The aim is to take advantage of the significant 14 MeV neutron yield expected during JET operations to irradiate samples of materials that will be used …
The Ion Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive (ICH&CD) system will reside in ITER equatorial port plugs 13 and 15. Shutdown dose rates (SDDR) within the port interspace are required to be less than 100 Sv/h at 106 s cooling. A significant contribution to the SDDR results from neutrons streaming down gaps around the port frame, and the mitigation of …
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 UKAEA Paper Results
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