Scenario development of ITER ELMy H-mode hydrogen plasma
An important part of the ITER Research Plan [1] is the Pre-Fusion Power Operation (PFPO) phase, which includes demonstration of H-mode plasma operation and the commissioning of ELM control systems. However, since hydrogen or helium are the main ion species in PFPO plasmas, the L–H power threshold PL–H is expected to be considerably higher than equivalent D and D–T plasmas, which restricts operation in terms of toroidal field and plasma density.
Here, we study the possibility for stable ELMy H-mode operation in hydrogen or hydrogen dominant plasma at 7.5MA/2.65T. The scenario is modelled self-consistently using JINTRAC [2] for integrated core, edge and SOL/divertor modelling. Results have indicated that a stable ELMy H-mode is indeed accessible for 7.5MA/2.65T hydrogen plasma, although successful operation requires either a 10MW upgrade of the ECRH systems or inclusion of a helium minority for lowering of the L–H power threshold.
[1] ITER Technical Report ITR-18-03 (2018).
[2] Romanelli et al., Plasma Fusion Res. 9, 340323 (2014)