Suppression of temperature-gradient-driven turbulence by perpendicular flow shear in fusion plasmas

Starting from the assumption that saturation of plasma turbulence driven by temperature-gradient instabilities in fusion plasmas is achieved by a local energy cascade between a long-wavelength outer scale, where energy is injected into the fluctuations, and a small-wavelength dissipation scale, where fluctuation energy is thermalized by particle collisions, we formulate a detailed phenomenological theory for the influence of perpendicular flow shear on magnetized-plasma turbulence. Our theory introduces two distinct regimes, called the weakly and strongly sheared regimes, each with its own set of scaling laws for the scale and amplitude of the fluctuations and for the level of turbulent heat transport. We discover that the ratio of the typical radial and poloidal wavenumbers of the fluctuations, i.e., their aspect ratio, plays a central role in determining the dependence of the turbulent transport on the imposed flow shear. Our theoretical predictions are found to be in excellent agreement with numerical simulations of two paradigmatic models of fusion-relevant plasma turbulence: (i) an electrostatic fluid model of slab electron-scale turbulence, and (ii) Cyclone-base-case gyrokinetic ion-scale turbulence. Additionally, our theory envisions a potential mechanism for the suppression of electron-scale turbulence by perpendicular ion-scale flows based one the role of the aforementioned aspect ratio of the electron-scale fluctuations.

Journal of Plasma Physics
Cambridge University Press