Systems codes assess the viability of fusion reactor designs by using simplified models for the entire reactor system that allow for the exploration of large areas of parameter space. However, every design will have an associated uncertainty that arises from the accuracy of the models used, the assumptions made and the values of input parameters ad…
Systems codes are used in the conceptual phases of fusion reactors design. They employ a multitude of simplified models to simulate an entire power plant and ensure that designs are self-consistent, viable and optimised with respect to a given figure of merit. Their strength is the fast determination of an overall design. However, their output shou…
Although the ultimate goal of most current fusion research is to build an economically attractive power plant, the present status of physics and technology does not provide the performance necessary to achieve this goal. Therefore, in order to model how such plants may operate and what their output might be, extrapolations must be made from existin…
PROCESS is a reactor systems code it assesses the engineering and economic viability of a hypothetical fusion power station using simple models of all parts of a reactor system. PROCESS allows the user to choose which constraints to impose and which to ignore, so when evaluating the results it is vital to study the list of constraints used. New …
PROCESS is a reactor systems code – it assesses the engineering and economic viability of a hypothetical fusion power station using simple models of all parts of a reactor system, from the basic plasma physics to the generation of electricity. It has has been used for many years, but details of its operation have not been previously published. Th…
Showing 11 - 15 of 15 UKAEA Paper Results