It has been shown on several tokamaks that application of a Resonant Magnetic Perturbation (RMP) eld on plasma can under certain conditions lead to suppression or mitigation of Edge-Localized Mode (ELM) instabilities. Due to the rotation of the plasma in the RMP eld reference system, currents are induced on resonant surfaces within the plasma, co…
The core Thomson scattering diagnostic (TS) on the COMPASS tokamak was put in operation and reported earlier. Implementation of edge TS, with spatial resolution along the laser beam up to~1/100 of the tokamak minor radius, is presented now. The procedure for spatial calibration and alignment of both core and edge systems is described. Several furth…
The electron density and temperature profiles measured by the Thomson scattering diagnostic on the COMPASS tokamak are used for estimation of electron kinetic energy, energy confinement time, and effective charge number Z eff . Data are compared with the line-integrated electron density measured by a microwave interferometer in an ohmically heated …
A new Thomson scattering diagnostic system has been designed and is being built now on the COMPASS tokamak at the Institute of Plasma Physics ASCR in Prague IPP Prague in the Czech Republic. This contribution focuses on design, development, and installation of the light collection and detection system. High spatial resolution of 3 mm will be achiev…
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