We present the benchmarking, validation, and results of an approximate, analytic model for the radial profile of the stress, strain, and displacement within the toroidal field (TF) coil of a Tokamak at the inner midplane, where stress management is of the most concern. The model is designed to have high execution speed yet capture the essential …
Conceptual designs for a European demonstration power plant (EU-DEMO) are based on extrapolations of physics scaling laws and current understanding of engineering limits based on available technologies. It is imperative to quantify the impact of uncertainties in physics and engineering parameters on the ability to produce an economically attract…
As the EUROfusion EU-DEMO design programme approaches the transition between the pre-conceptual and conceptual design phase the systems code PROCESS has been improved to incorporate more detailed plasma physics, engineering and analysis modules. Unlike many systems codes PROCESS combines the physics modelling with both technology and costs analysis…
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